Sunday, November 27, 2011

We Saved Thanksgiving

This year I wasn't sure what would be of the wonderful holiday of Thanksgiving. It's one of those holidays that you really ought to either spend with great people, or people that you're forced to like. Several of the Americans in my group expressed similar concerns about the upcoming holiday, so something had to be done. We decided that if the stars were to align just right, we could find the jade monkey before the next full moon, and possibly even cook a Thanksgiving meal in Russia. I realized that my entire life had led up to this one moment, voices from my past whispered to me, "you know this Bryce, remember your training". . .could Thanksgiving truly be saved?

Weeks passed, and as Thanksgiving neared, we all grew tense. Several key ingredients were yet to be found including a turkey, pumpkin pie filling, cranberries, and various spices. We were all about to give up when the ghosts of Thanksgivings Past, Present, and Future visited each of us. We had to do it, if not for America, then for those poor ghosts.

I woke up at 7.00 that morning, my time had come. I put the turkey in the brine, and headed off for Kerry's to leave it there during class. While on the metro, the bag spilled, and I was covered in turkey juice, looking like a drunk woman I had recently seen on the very same metro. The juice dried, and I smelled super "festive" for the rest of the day. After class, I went to Kerry's to actually cook the turkey, when I realized that I had left all my recipes at home. "Bryce, you've switched off your targeting computer, what's wrong?" That's right, I used the force to remember the recipes, and we cooked like maniacs for 4 straight hours. You know what? it turned out to be an incredible meal, and we pulled it all together. Do you like how I built that story up and then just said it in a few words?
The Whole Gang

You can tell that I just wanted it more

The food turned out incredible. . .we did it!

Homey Kerry?

Yulia, Helen, Gorgeous, Wes


  1. You did it! I had to laugh about the turkey juice spilling on you. I can totally picture that happening to me.

  2. It was sad not having you home but sounds like you had quite an adventure.

  3. Liz, it really did look funny, I'm sure. It was a new feeling looking like I wet myself, when, for once, I really didn't. Dena, It was odd not being around, but we did make things work out well.
