Sunday, October 9, 2011

A stroll with дядя Stalin

I recently took a stroll along the Moskva through Gorky Park (go ahead and sing the Scorpion's song if you need to). Autumn is definitely my favorite season -despite the fact that it's a sign of the impending death of winter- and Moscow has surprisingly not disappointed, since it was a forest 1000 years ago.

My favorite part of the walk (they do that here, just walk) was actually right across the street from Gorky at the Park of the Arts. It is full of Soviet statues that have no other home. I was pretty impressed with some of the arrangements. For example, one display has a large statue of Stalin looking into the distance, but in the background there are a bunch of heads trapped in cages...from a different angle, Lenin is looking on the scene. Another statue has a Russian man pointing the way to the future for an African, and a Chinese man.

I have found myself enjoying art more and more while I've been in Moscow. I went to a museum with my class to discuss modernity as it is expressed in art--in other words, I didn't expect to see anything good. However, I explored the permanent exhibit while I was there, and happened upon a room full of Monet. I really can't describe the feeling I had...I never expected to be completely overwhelmed by a piece of art, but it happened. True life. The museum had paintings from just about every famous artist I've ever heard of, including my favorite artist--Cezanne. Seeing Cezanne's Bridge Over the Marne nearly brought me to tears...but since I'm super tough and manly, naturally it didn't.

Anyway, here are a few pictures of the parks:

Special Thanks to Pawel for the pictures...

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1 comment:

  1. Yay, you have a blog! And you're actually doing cool things and not just talking about your kids or your clothes or your boring life. Way to have an interesting life, way to be a clever person, and way to give me something to do during the day (wish I was you). Cheers!
