Saturday, October 13, 2012

On Exploring Peanut Twizzlers

I don't think it's possible to connect the goings on of my last few weeks in any comprehensible way, other than I haven't written a blog post in several weeks. I have been quite busy though. Here's a quick overview of what's been most important.

My friend Olya was in America, and was gracious enough to bring me back a piece, in Twizzler form. Possibly the best form America takes. I mean, except when America takes the form of a sweet dinosaur or something. 

This is one of the many images that comes to mind when I think 'Moscow'. It's Moscow State University, a really beautiful building (in a really Soviet way). It's so intimidating approaching this massive structure, covered in Soviet statues, and soaked in the memories of this turbulent city.

This is a video of one of my english students singing about the tragic fate of one careless peanut who was hanging out on the wrong side of the know, the side that faces the trains. 
Did that joke work? I'm really not so sure it did.

One of my favorite things to do in this huge city is to find new places to explore. I tried walking from one client's house to another's through a park. Needless to say, I got terribly lost, and ended up walking in completely the wrong direction, and was 20 minutes late to the next lesson. You know what though? It was still worth the trip.

As you can see, food and silly pictures have been most important in the past few weeks. That, or I really just can't continue a thought in a comprehensible way.


  1. I LOVE exploring cities. In a very remote way, we are connected. I try new routes home from the grocery store on our walks to see what new houses, dogs, and sidewalks I can find. Not many surprises in Menlo Park, so I guess this doesn't work at all. Dang. You still have a cooler life.

  2. You should continue along with the songs about grim subjects: Alice that goes down the drain, Bill's goat that meets an untimely demise (at least in my version)...any others? I have a song that I've taught to my kids in Spanish about "mocos" which Teresa despises. She thought it was awesome until she found out the song was about picking your nose and feasting.

  3. So is America a Twizzler, or actually an empty Twizzler pack? That is the question.
